Jul 5, 2007


I just stepped on my glasses.


Greta Adams said...

oh girl...you have had a rough go of it....hope all turns around for ya soon....

Brightdreamer said...

The single worst thing about wearing glasses is their susceptibility to misplaced feet... I feel your pain. (Lasik keeps looking better and better to me... save the price...) Hope the Dread Demon Reality finds someone else to pick on soon!

Gina said...

That just plain sucks...Glasses are REALLY expensive here and I sat on my by accident 3 months ago. I wonder if they would have survived my dainty step versus the bone crushing weight of my...nevermind. PS..I have not written with a Pelican...is it nice????..No, I am still a pen thief, it is just that no one here uses nice ones like in the US! ( cheap bastardos)

Gina said...

Would you please send me one of your Pelikans to test? Just to test, I PROMISE I will send it back, snort!