May 30, 2010

Cool Piece

This is Ola Gjeilo's Ubi Caritas set for SSAA. We did it a couple of weeks ago with the full choir; tonight we did it with just 6 singers (5-part divisi). This is the 6-singer version (I forgot my iPod the other day).

Straight up, this isn't the best recording; it's just my iPod and the little Belkin microphone in an incredibly acoustically live church. It doesn't do this amazing piece justice but it'll give you a taste of why I love being a church singer.

Thank you, Ola Gjeilo, for this piece.

ubi caritas.m4a


Harriet said...

Gorgeous! This piece is new to me.

PeppyPilotGirl said...

It was new to me too, Harriet. He's actually younger than we are, as well, which is rather a new experience!

abmyers said...

That was beautiful! I do wish I could hear the vocals in higher quality (no massive fault of yours, you did the best you could with the equipment you had!), but it sounded really lovely as it was, regardless.