Jun 15, 2010

Commence Official Freak Out...

::deep breath::
::deep breath::

::deep breath::

First, remember the PPC?

Well, this month, I bit the bullet. Sent in my resume. Harangued my (wonderful) choir director into agreeing to write a recommendation, rode herd until she did it. Pestered my (terrific) voice teacher into acting as my accompanist. Got an email today. I've been asked to come for an audition. I've asked for a week from Thursday (6/24) at 5:45/6 ish and am waiting to hear back if that works for both the adjudicant and my voice teacher.

It took me a while and some tectonic life shifts (2 more kids, getting my first real professional singing gigs) but, more importantly, it took the honest and heartfelt responses from people - a couple of whom don't even know me. It was the strength your responses gave me that led me to answer the ad for my church job two years ago in July, which led me to where I am now. Your friendship is appreciated so very much.


Harriet said...

Hooray, hooray, hooray! And good for you! When's the big day?

Brightdreamer said...

Best of luck! Go for it! And other general and sundry encouraging phrases ending in multiple exclamation points... ;-)

allumble - an all-inclusive rumble

Amanda said...

Oh, congratulations! Best of luck chasing your dreams, my talented friend. :)