Mar 28, 2006

Chicken or the Egg

I was listening to the 80s station on my way to work and happened across the thought that the music of the 80s really fit the 80s -- reflecting a sort of post-modern melancholy loss of connection underneath the go-go business and technology mentality. But did the music create that feeling in me (and the rest of society) or was the music just reflective of what was already there? Does the music of an era focus the gamut of that era's citizenry into a tight beam of drama or does it shower the emotion across the populace?

Just a thought.


Jade said...

Which came first, the music or the mood?

Music can be mood altering, but I've generally felt that music originates as a reflection on the world in which it was created (artists articulating their world or their point of view) When distributed to society at large, people who are in the same mood say "Yeah! I get it!"

graymama said...

I wish more current musical artists would create some anti-war music. It is unfortunate that in current times musicians who write/perform songs against the war in Iraq are seen as unpatriotic. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Look at all of the musical artists who brought their anti-Vietnam feelings to music, without worrying about looking unpatriotic. Have we all lost our wills to the mighty $?

PeppyPilotGirl said...

And, in addition to that, graymama, artists who do voice their opinions on politics (Dixie Chicks, for one famous example) are sent to the societal principal's office for reprogramming.

I think Jade has a point too that reflects on this -- I think musicians are picking up the vibe that there is no audience for anti-war (or, as I prefer to call it, pro-peace) music. (Certainly, it takes more balls than I have to stand up to an administration who labels noncomformists as anti-American.) It would certainly put a damper on creativity. I'm am surprised we haven't heard more from U2, for example, whose music has never shied away from sticky political wickets (Sunday, Bloody Sunday, anyone?). Maybe it's out there (I admit to leading a very sheltered life right now) but it certainly doesn't seem to be prevalent.

graymama said...

I really feel bad for the Dixie Chicks because I don't think this administration’s idea of "reprogramming" would be any fun. Also, I don't think the U2 that wrote Sunday, Bloody Sunday is the same U2 we have today, unfortunately :-(